
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The iris' are blooming and the mud is ...still here.

Whew! What a crazy few weeks! I haven't had the time to sit and write! Much has happened since my last blog. Where to about my adventures in the mud! It all started with me trying to get stuff done  so we could make a quick trip to Dayton, NV to see some ranching friends and do a chicken swap with there son. I decided to be a good wife and feed the horses so Buckaroo Man wouldn't have to worry about it. All of our wonderful snow had melted, but it had been warm for a few days so I thought the tractor would be fine.....I had to move a stock trailer with it anyway. I hadn't thought about the fact that lifting a 1 ton bale of hay would change everything!!!!! Once I had the bale the tractor quickly sank. I used my ingenuity and found some boards, shoved em under the tires and hoped for the best. (All I could do was hope since I had the rear wheels buried over a foot!) With a lot of prayers being said I was able to finagle the tractor out. I still can't figure out how I did it!!!! I was able to get everything done to head out to Dayton. We had a successful chicken swap and got half a pallet of feed so that we don't have to worry about going that way for awhile.

We received a rooster named Clyde in our trade. He is a......special rooster. Poor guy. He can only see out of one eye, so to look at you he will turn his head almost 360 degrees to see you! Its very disturbing to watch. The other rooster doesn't want a one eyed rooster stealing his hens so poor Clyde is an outcast. He even has his own little coop. Poor guy.......I don't think he even has enough meat on him to stew him. So little one-eyed Clyde will just stick around and add to our chaos.

We have another addition to our chaos as well............
He is a welsh corgi and as cute as can be! We have been wanting to get a pup for the boys so that our working dogs can stay working dogs! He has a HUGE personality and sure keeps us laughing! 

Other than all the traveling and gathering of more animals my days have been filled with work(working 4/10s at a state park) and keeping up with my Buckaroo Man! Yesterday we went and helped some friends move pairs(mama cows and babies) that they just had shipped in. It was quite an adventure as always but I sure could spend all day every day moving cows. My little red dog did awesome, she made it go real smooth! Well, off to the yard to try and see if I can resuscitate our grass. Another busy day filled with yard work, horse trading, lunch with Buckaroo Man, cleaning the house, and having folks for dinner! Until next time(I won't let it be so long) Too-da-loo!!!